《泰晤士报》公布最新世界大学排名 - 全球最佳大学200强
据《泰晤士报》报道,11月4日公布的一项新的全球排名,英国的牛津大学和剑桥大学跻身于世界大学10强之列,在世界200所最好的大学中,它们分别列第5和第6位。这次的排名是由《泰晤士高教增刊》(The Times Higher Education Supplement)评出的,美国的哈佛大学以近230亿美元的捐赠基金位列第一。而美国的大学在前10强中占了7个席位,英国的牛津大学是美国以外的大学中排名最高的,这意味着前4名都是美国的大学。
在前50强中,有4所大学在伦敦,这证实了伦敦作为全球教育中心的地位。伦敦经济学院(London School of Economics)列第11,帝国学院(Imperial College)列第14位、伦敦大学学院(University College London)列第34位,东方及非洲研究学院(the School of Orienttal and African Studies)列第44位。在前20强中,除了英国的大学外,只有一个欧洲的大学位列其中,它就是瑞士苏黎世的"联合技术学院"(the Federal Institute of Technology),它是第10位。
不过,美国马萨诸塞州的剑桥可以被称为世界上最具智慧的城市,除了位居第一位的哈佛大学外,还有位列第3位的麻省理工大学。加利福尼亚的得分也很高,在伯克利的加利福尼亚大学位列第2,加利福尼亚技术学院(California Institute of Technology)列第4,而斯坦福大学列第7。
日本的东京大学是亚洲所有大学中排名最高的,列第12位,中国的北京大学列第17位。澳大利亚的大学综合实力也很强,在前50位的大学中,就有6所澳大利亚的大学,最高的是澳大利亚国立大学(the Australian National University),排名世界第16。说起来法国可就有点差强人意,在前50位中,仅有两所法国大学,排名还不算*前,一所排名第27,一所排名第30(the école Polytechnique和école Normale Supérieure)。德国进入前50强的也只有一所大学,就是排名第47的海德尔堡大学(Heidelburg University),还不如香港这个弹丸之地,香港有两所大学跻身前50强。
去年12月,《金融时报》(Financial Times)前编辑理查德·兰伯特也发表了一份报告,敦促由英国19所最主要的大学组成的“鲁塞尔集团”(Russell Group)建立一个全球最好的研究机构名次表,通过这个名次表,他们可以测定自己的成绩。
The Times
November 04, 2004
Britain wins eight places in world list of 50 best universities
By Tony Halpin
OXFORD and Cambridge are among the world's top ten universities, according to a new global ranking published today.
They were fifth and sixth respectively in the league table of the world's 200 best universities. Harvard, which boasts an endowment of nearly $23billion (£12.7billion), was first in the list produced by The Times Higher Education Supplement (THES).
American institutions occupied seven of the top ten places, with Oxbridge the highest-ranked outside the United States.
London's position as a centre of global educational significance was confirmed with four institutions in the top 50. The London School of Economics was 11th, Imperial College 14th, University College London 34th, and the School of Oriental and African Studies 44th.
The only European university outside Britain in the top 20 was the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland, in tenth place.
Cambridge, Massachusetts, however, can lay claim to being the world's most intellectual city, as home to Harvard and to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which was ranked at No3.
California also scored highly, with the University of California, Berkeley, in second place, the California Institute of Technology, fourth, and Stanford seventh.
Tokyo University, in Japan, ranked at No12, was the highest-ranked institution in Asia, followed by Beijing University at No17.
Australian universities featured particularly well. Six were among the top 50 in the World University Rankings, led by the Australian National University in sixteenth place.
France, by contrast, managed just two universities in the top 50, with the école Polytechnique in 27th place and école Normale Supérieure 30th. Heidelburg University, in 47th place, was Germany's only entry, one fewer than Hong Kong.
Britain was home to 18 of Europe's top 50 universities, and six of the top ten, but not a single institution from Spain, Portugal, Italy or Greece made the list. The United States had 62 of the top 200 universities, followed by Britain with 30, Germany 17 and Australia 14. Twenty-nine countries were represented in the global rankings overall.
Universities were placed in the table with the help of findings from a survey for the THES of 1,300 academics in 88 countries. They were asked to name the best institutions in the fields that they felt knowledgeable about.
The table also included data on the amount of cited research produced by faculty members as an indicator of intellectual vitality, the ratio of faculty to student numbers and a university's success in attracting foreign students and internationally renowned academics in the global market for education. The five factors were weighted and transformed against a scale that gave the top university 1,000 points and ranked everyone else as a proportion of that score.
Harvard, whose faculty members have won 40 Nobel prizes, emerged as the world's best university by a considerable distance, with second-placed Berkeley rated 120 points behind at 880.2. Oxford scored 731.8, slightly ahead of Cambridge on 725.4.
John O'Leary, Editor of the THES, said: "Leading universities increasingly define themselves in terms of international competition. By taking account of the views of academics from across five continents and using the most up-to-date statistics, our ranking gives an informed picture of the world's top universities."
A world league of the best 500 research universities, published in September by academics at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China, placed Cambridge third behind Harvard and Stanford. Oxford came eighth, while British universities ranked second overall behind those in the United States.
Last December a report by Richard Lambert, former Editor of the Financial Times, urged the Russell Group of Britain's leading 19 universities to establish a league table of the world's best research institutions, by which they could measure their own performances.
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